
Family Friendly Employer photo Family Friendly Employer photo

FBS Joins Family Friendly Employer program

We are excited to announce that Finnair Business Services has embarked on a journey towards becoming a family-friendly employer.

On November 7, Minister of Social Protection Signe Riisalo announced 20 employers selected from 160 applicants to participate in the Family Friendly Employer Development program. We are happy to share that Finnair Business Services is among the chosen and was given the initial label of Family Friendly Employer (Peresõbraliku tööandja algmärgis).

The initial label recognizes employers who have passed a preliminary assessment and prepared an action plan for the following years on developing a family- and employee-friendly culture in their organization.

The Family Friendly Employer Label program is a journey that spans from 1.5 to 3 years, after which we will achieve the final label. Based on the progress made, this label will be presented at one of three levels: bronze, silver, or gold. During the program, we will be guided and mentored to refine our organizational culture and operations to create a truly family- and employee-friendly workplace.

„We decided to apply to the program with clear goals in mind – to develop further our flexible ways of working, support the well-being of employees, and foster a strongity. It is an excellent chance to empower our People & Culture team to shape a workplace that supports a healthy work-life balance, colleague friendliness and a rewarding working experience,“ said Elina Savi, People Manager in Finnair Business Services.

You can read more about the Family Friendly Employer program in Estonian:õbralik